Aldo Leopold Land Stewardship Trail
This trail is a 1.2 mile in length and will take you on you on a loop through forests, near restored wetlands and a viewing platform overlooking the North Fork of the Fish Creek. This trail is moderately accessible with gravel and boardwalk surfaces and takes about 35 minutes to complete. Start at the corner of the Visitor Center parking lot near the solar panels or at the parking lot across the road off of County Road G.
Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center Boardwalk
This trail is .70 mile that incudes level boardwalk, as well as graveled and grass covered portions. The trail does have a shortcut path halfway through that leads hikers back to the center if desired. Benches along this trail offer places to sit and reflect about the clues that this wetland environment offers about its past. This trail takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. Start on either side of the building. If you are listening to the podcast at the bottom of this page, the walk will begin in the center.